

About us


Biznes familjar, i themeluar që nga viti 1989. Me mbi 12,000 produkte cilësore, ne i furnizojmë me pakicë dhe me shumicë më shumë se 1,500 klient në çdo cep të Kosovës përderisa jemi duke e përforcuar linjën tonë eksportuese. Ne vlerësojmë se besnikëria, këmbëngulja dhe puna e palodhur e të gjithë stafit kanë qenë jetike për lidershipin e zhvilluar në këtë veprimtari. Së bashku do të vazhdojmë të jemi zgjedhja e parë e atyre që janë në kërkesë të produkteve tona.

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The Factory


More than 1,500 sales points are part of our distribution network throughout Kosovo. Thanks to our experience in this activity, quality and categorization of products, we represent and support a vast network of buyers by supplying them with selected products. This network is a key component of our success over the years.

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In more than 8,000 m2, over 25,000 products from the main brands are located at our sales point in Prishtina, categorized into: furniture and household appliances, electrical tools, professional tools in the field of construction, gardening, sanitary, water and sewerage, plastering and coloring. The wide range of products, the quality and the affordable prices are some of the characteristics that convince our customers that  EDONI Center is their only choice to their needs.

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The Factory

Since 2021, our factory has begun to produce the façade mesh. The product has exceeded our expectations in terms of quality as well as market distribution. We are applying the standards and criteria required to put the product in the world market. This is only the first step of our strategic development.

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Edoni Logistic Center